Features and Monitoring FAQ

The Feature and Monitoring FAQ section covers various topics related to the features and monitoring options that Joget DX 8 offers. See the questions in the sections below:

Features FAQ

Is it possible for the requestor to view his request history from the UI?

Yes, a List can be used for this. Actual columns and data will depend on how you build the List.

Is there a feature to delete, back up/export, and import forms, as well as to delete processes, UIs, and apps created?

Apps (processes, forms, data lists, and UIs) can be deleted, imported, and exported.

Why isn't there a Cancel button for the UI form? Currently, there is only a Save Draft/Submit button.

If your process requires users to "reject" or "cancel" a task, this can and should be built into the process itself.

For example, in your form, include an option to "accept," "complete," or "reject." You can also use a feature to allow the submission of a form before starting a process by mapping the form to the "Run Process" activity.

The administrator can also manually stop a process while it is running. To allow end users to withdraw their own started process instances, you can also use the Process Enhancement Plugin from the Joget Marketplace.

Is it possible for a user to access a form without logging in?

Yes. By default, forms are open to the public (no login required) unless they are mapped to a "group", "department" or "user" under participants.

If an approver needs more info about a request, can the form approval status be set to “pending” so that the current approver can first add comments for the last approver to act on before the form is routed back to the current approver? 

Yes. You can design your process to "route" to an activity ("request for more information or comments") and "route back to the last approver" after it is completed.

Can a form be designed with a non-editing field box displaying the running number, like a Purchase Order form with a sequential running number?

Yes. Use the ID Generator Field element in Form Builder to generate a running number.  The ID Generator field is read-only.

Can a form be designed to allow users to add multiple rows of items?

Yes. Form Builder allows users to add multiple rows (with support for simple calculations) of items. 

I noticed that we can export XPDL process flows but not the forms. Is there any way to export forms (as a backup)?

Yes, you can export the whole app to backup. For more information, see this guide: Import and Export Apps and App Configuration Management.

Once approved, can the process be designed to kick-start another process automatically?

Yes. You can automatically kick-start another process after one ends, using the JSON Tool plugin and a combination of the API Builder plugin from the Joget Marketplace.

Why do I keep getting the message "Please wait while the image is being generated..." for my Process thumbnail?

You will get this only when you view the process for the first time and only if your process is very complicated, with many activities. Generating the image will then require some time. Sometimes, it can also take very long because of multiple processes in your app. Generating the preview image for each process can take a longer time.

However, if you still can't get the image displayed correctly after a long time and even after you have refreshed your browser, you probably have a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" exception in the backend. This is due to the image being too large, thus requiring more memory to process the image preview. In that case, you may need to increase your Tomcat memory setting by following the steps below (which will double the default memory setting).
1. Stop the Joget server.
2. Open and edit [Joget Installation Directory]/joget-start.bat.
3. Modify set JAVA_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx512M -Dwflow.home=./wflow/ on line 13 to  set JAVA_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1024M -Dwflow.home=./wflow/.
4. Save and start the Joget server.

 You get a "black" preview image instead of the process preview image. You must delete the generated images  [Joget Installation Directory]/wflow/app_xpdlImages/[App Id] and refresh your browser. A new image will be generated again.

How can I disable the mobile web interface for my app?

The mobile view for your apps is enabled by default. An app can have multiple UIs. To disable the mobile web view for a UI, go to your app's "UI Builder" and under "Properties," go to "Theme" then "Advance," and uncheck the "Enable Responsive Switch in Mobile Device."

Monitoring FAQ (Process Archiving)

What is the purpose/benefit of the Archive completed process feature?

By keeping the main SHK tables " small, " the purpose is to improve performance when Joget works with the SHK process tables for active processes.

How does it work?

When you enable the General Settings > Archive Process On Completion property, it will only archive all future new completed process records (applies to 8.0.6 and older builds only). The old or existing completed process records will remain unchanged. Process archiving on completed processes "moves" the process records to the following DB tables: wf_history_activity, wf_history_process, wf_process_link_history.

Is it possible to access an archived process again? How long archived processes are accessible?

Archived processes are accessible in the Admin Bar > Monitor screen or via the above process history tables.

What is the difference between configuring the settings using the "Enable" button in "Completed Processes" OR selecting "Archive Process On Completion" on the "General Settings" page?

When you set the General Settings > Archive Process On Completion property, only future process records will be written to the process history tables. The Enable button is used for the existing process records to migrate (move) all completed process records to the history tables. We recommend you perform the Enable after office hours, as this will cause your Joget database to be very busy depending on how many completed process records you have in your system.

How long will it take to archive all the items once they click the "Enable" button?

Estimating the duration is challenging due to numerous variables outside our measurement scope. We suggest initiating the archiving process after Friday office hours and allowing it to be completed autonomously upon conclusion.

Created by Marcos Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024