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Forgot Password Feature


The Forgot Password feature in Joget provides users with a simple way to reset their passwords if they have forgotten them. To utilize this feature, it must first be enabled in the Security Plugin. This guide will walk you through enabling and using the feature to reset your password.

How does it work?

To enable and use the Forgot Password feature, follow these steps:

  1. Go System Settings > Directory Manager Settings.
  2. Go to Select Plugin to choose Security Enhanced Directory Manager and click the blue Select button.
  3. Go to Default Directory Password Policy.
  4. Check the box for Enable Forgot Password to activate the feature.

    SMTP Settings
    See the Email Tool for the required SMTP Settings information to submit the plugin configuration.
  5. Once Enable Forgot Password is checked, users will see a Forgot Password link beneath the login fields.
    This link will open a form where the user must input their username.
  6. After submitting the username, the system will send password reset instructions to the registered email address.
Created by Julieth Last modified by Debanraj on Feb 07, 2025