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Universal Inbox Menu

The Universal Inbox Menu in Joget consolidates all pending and assigned tasks for the currently logged-in user, irrespective of their origin app. Here's a comprehensive overview of its properties and configuration options:

Configure universal inbox

To configure Universal Inbox properties, in UI Builder, drag and drop the Universal Inbox element onto the canvas and click on it.

When adding Universal Inbox, you will see the following fields available for configuration:

  • Label: Menu label. Mandatory field.
  • Menu ID: Item link slug. Optional field.
    Unique field
    The value defined here must be unique to the rest of the UI Menus, as the first matching name will be called upon.


The UI settings for the Universal Inbox Menu allow you to customize its appearance and behavior to suit user preferences. You can choose to display the number of rows in the menu, configure the position of action buttons in the list view (such as top left or top right), enable assignments to appear in a popup dialog and customize the HTML content for both the list view and assignment view headers and footers. These settings enhance usability and tailor the Universal Inbox interface to meet user needs.

Customize the appearance and behavior of the Universal Inbox UI:

  • Show Number of Rows in Menu: Option to display the number of rows within the menu if checked.
  • List View Button Position: Position of action buttons within the list view (e.g., top left, top right, etc.).
  • Show Assignment in Popup Dialog: If checked, assignments will be displayed in a popup dialog.
  • List View Custom Header & Footer: HTML content to customize the header and footer in the list view.
  • Assignment View Custom Header & Footer: HTML content to customize the header and footer in the assignment view.

Performance & offline

The Performance & Offline settings for the Universal Inbox Menu are essential for optimizing performance and ensuring seamless functionality, even without an internet connection. By configuring cache settings, you can improve load times and responsiveness. Options include caching content by application or user, with a defined duration for cached content. Additionally, enabling PWA offline support ensures users can access their Universal Inbox tasks on mobile browsers, enhancing user experience and productivity.

Cache settings

The Cache Settings in the Universal Inbox Menu enable efficient management of content caching, thereby enhancing performance. You can specify the caching scope (none, application, or user) and set the duration for which content remains cached. These settings optimize load times and responsiveness of the Universal Inbox feature, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Fields to Configure:

  • Scope:
    Options include are: 
    • None: No caching.
    • Application: Cache content by application where all users will see the same content.
    • User: Cache by username.
  • Duration (s): Duration in seconds to cache content defaults to 20 seconds if applicable.

For more information, see Performance Improvement with UI Caching.

PWA offline settings

The PWA Offline Settings in the Universal Inbox Menu support offline access, which is particularly useful for mobile users. By enabling caching for List links on the first page of the UI menu and checking the option to cache all necessary content for offline support, users can continue managing tasks and viewing assignments even when offline. These settings leverage Progressive Web Application capabilities to maintain productivity regardless of network connectivity.

Fields to Configure:

  • Enable cache for offline support: Check to enable caching for offline support, which is generally used for mobile browsers.
  • Cache all List links in the first page: Enable caching for any List links present on the first page of the UI menu.

See Progressive Web Application (PWA) documentation for more details.

Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024