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Task Delegation Menu


The Task Delegation UI element in Joget allows authorized users to temporarily delegate tasks to others within specified configurations. Here's a detailed overview of its properties and functionalities:

Configure task delegation

To configure Task Delegation properties, in UI Builder, drag and drop the Task Delegation element onto the canvas and click on it.

When adding Task Delegation, you will see the following fields available for configuration:

  • Label: Assign a label to the Import menu component, which can include Font Awesome Icons.
  • Menu ID: Item link slug. Optional field.
    Unique field
    Ensure that the value defined here is unique to other UI menus in the app since the first matching/conflicting ID will take precedence in page loading.
  • Configuration Mode: Authority to perform delegation.
    • User-user self-service
    • HOD - able to configure for users in a department
    • All - able to configure for all users
  • Reassignment Mode: Scope of delegation.
    • No restriction
    • Same department only
    • Same user groups only
  • Allowed Apps: List of apps that can be chosen to create delegation records.
    • All Apps
    • Current App
    • Selected Apps - A separate selection, Select Allowed Apps will appear when this option is chosen.
  • Allowed Processes: List of processes based on the Allowed Apps above that can be chosen when creating delegation records.
    • All Processes
    • Selected Processes - A separate selection, Select Allowed Processes will appear when this option is chosen.


The UI settings for the Task Delegation Menu allow you to customize the appearance and functionality of the task delegation interface. You can define the date display format, configure action button positions, and set various labels and custom HTML content for headers and footers. These settings help create a user-friendly and efficient task delegation interface.

Customize the appearance and behavior of the Task Delegation UI:

Field to Configure:

  • Date Display Format: Use Java date format. (Example: "dd/MM/yyyy" for "11/06/2011")

    Read the Date Format Pattern Syntax documentation for a list of date formats.

    When this field is left empty, the following will be considered.

    1. If the current locale starts with "zh", the format will be set as "yyyy-MM-dd".
    2. If "Using Locate Date Format" is set in General Settings, date format based on the current user's locale will be used.
    3. Otherwise, it will use "MM/dd/yyyy".

UI (List)

The UI (List) settings for the Task Delegation Menu enable you to customize the list view of delegated tasks. You can configure the position of action buttons, selector type and position, labels for new record, edit link, and delete button, as well as custom HTML for headers and footers. These settings ensure that the list view is intuitive and tailored to the needs of the users.

Fields to Configure:

  • Button Position: Position of action buttons on the list view.
    • Top Left
    • Top Right
    • Bottom Left
    • Bottom Right
    • Top Left & Bottom Left
    • Top Right & Bottom Right
  • Selector Type: Choose between multiple or single selection modes.
  • Selector Position: Placement of selection controls.
    • Left
    • Right
    • Both let & right
    • No
  • New Record Button Label: The new record button label will show in the listing.
  • Edit Link Label: Edit the Link Label to show in the listing.
  • Delete Button Label: Delete the Button Label to show in the listing.
  • Custom Header: Custom Header in HTML to show in listing.
  • Custom Footer: Custom Footer in HTML to show in listing.

UI (Add)

The UI (Add) settings for the Task Delegation Menu allow you to configure the form used to add new task delegations. You can set labels for cancel and save buttons, define a message to show after the form is saved, and add custom HTML for headers and footers. These settings ensure that the task delegation form is clear, easy to use, and informative.

Fields to Configure:

  • Cancel Button Label: Cancel button label in add new record form.
  • Save Button Label: Save button label in add new record form.
  • Message to show after Form saved: Message to show after the form is saved
  • Custom Header: Custom Header in HTML to show in add new record form.
  • Custom Footer: Custom Footer in HTML to show in add new record form.

UI (Edit)

The UI (Edit) settings for the Task Delegation Menu allow you to customize the form used to edit existing task delegations. You can make the form read-only, display fields as labels in read-only mode, and set labels for back and save buttons. Additionally, you can add custom HTML for headers and footers and define a message to show after the form is saved. These settings help ensure that the task editing process is straightforward and well-organized.

Fields to Configure:

  • Readonly?: If checked effectively, the task delegation form will be rendered read-only and not editable anymore.
  • Display Fields as Label when in Readonly?: When the form is read-only, this field determines if values should be displayed as they are (label form) instead of being bound in the original input form.
  • Back Button Label: Back button label in edit record form.
  • Save Button Label: Save button label in edit record form.
  • Message to show after Form saved: Message to show after Form is saved.
  • Custom Header: Custom Header in HTML to show in edit record form.
  • Custom Footer: Custom Footer in HTML to show in edit record form.

Performance & offline

The Performance & Offline settings for the Task Delegation Menu are designed to optimize the performance and ensure offline functionality. Configuring cache settings can improve load times and provide users access to task delegation features even without an active internet connection.

Cache settings

The Cache Settings in the Task Delegation Menu help manage how content is cached to enhance performance. 

Fields to Configure:

  • Scope:
    Options include are: 
    • None: No caching.
    • Application: Cache content by application where all users will see the same content.
    • User: Cache by username.
  • Duration (s): Duration in seconds to cache content defaults to 20 seconds if applicable.

For more information, see Performance Improvement with UI Caching.

PWA offline settings

The PWA Offline Settings in the Task Delegation Menu enable offline support by caching content for mobile browsers. This ensures that users can continue accessing and interacting with the task delegation menu without an active internet connection. Configuring these settings enhances the user experience, especially for mobile users, by providing uninterrupted access to task delegation features.

Fields to Configure:

  • Enable cache for offline support: Check to enable caching for offline support, which is generally used for mobile browsers.
  • Cache all List links in the first page: Enable caching for any List links present on the first page of the UI menu.

See Progressive Web Application (PWA) documentation for more details.

Enhanced Task Delegation App

Explore the Enhanced Task Delegation app available in the Joget Marketplace:

  • Integration: Integrates seamlessly with the existing Task Delegation UI menu.
  • Custom Fields: Allows customization of the Task Delegation form with additional fields.
  • Database Handling: Utilizes CRUD operations and Workflow Form Binders to manage data in the app_fd_taskDelegation database table.
  • Demo App: Access a demo app to see how Enhanced Task Delegation extends functionality for customized task management scenarios.
Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024