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Adjust Pop Up Size for Form Grid and List Grid


This guide shows you how to adjust the pop-up size for form grids and list grids in Joget applications. By modifying the width and height of the pop-ups, you can enhance the user experience and ensure that grids are displayed more effectively.

How does it work?

To adjust the pop-up size, you need to insert specific JavaScript code into the Custom HTML section of the form containing the grid. This code modifies the dimensions of the pop-ups for both form grids and list grids.

  • For Form Grids: The script sets the width and height of the form grid pop-ups to 90% of the viewport width and height.
            //make formgrid popup wider
  • For List Grids: The script similarly adjusts the list grid pop-up dimensions.
            //make listgrid popup wider
            FormUtil.getField("items").data("width", "90%");
            FormUtil.getField("items").data("height", "90%");

Replace "items" with the field ID of the grid element appropriately.


Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024