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Generate List

The Generate List function in Joget allows you to create a List based on your current form design. This feature helps you quickly set up a List view of your form data, making it easier to manage and display information.

How to use generate List

  1. Start the Joget Server and open the App Center.
  2. Log in as admin and open the App Composer for your desired app.
  3. Go to the Generate App function in the Form Builder
  4. Select Generate CRUD.
  5. Click Generate. 

Generate list properties

Click Advanced Generation under Generate LIST to access the LIST Options page.


The Options section allows you to configure specific settings for the List generation process. By tailoring these options, you can ensure the List views meet your application’s requirements and user expectations.

Fields to Configure:

  • List ID: Element ID for the List to be created.
  • List Name: Element name.
  • Choose Columns: Select the columns you would like to add to the List.

Advanced options

The Advanced Options section provides additional configuration field to customize the List design further. This setting allows for more detailed control over the appearance and behavior of the List, enhancing the user experience.

Click the Advanced Generation link to customize the List design further:

Field to Configure:

  • Choose Filters: Select the columns you would like to add as filters in the List.

Using the Generate List function simplifies the process of creating List views from your form data, providing a structured and efficient way to display and interact with information.

Visual examples

The Visual Examples section provides screenshots and descriptions of the List interface generated by the plugin. These examples help illustrate the functionality and appearance of the List operations, giving you a clear understanding of what to expect from the generated UI.

  • Example of a form formatter for a form element.
  • Example of a list column with the same formatter from form when generated.
  • Example of a form formatter for another form element.
  • Example of a list column with the same formatter from form when generated.
  • Sample form design.
  • Resultant List created by the plugin.
Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024