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Initial password method


Joget provides flexible options for creating and delivering initial passwords to users. As an admin, you can choose between generating a random password or manually setting one when creating a new user. This guide outlines the steps to configure these options and ensure secure password delivery.

How does it work? 

When creating a new user in Joget, the admin can generate a random password or set a custom one. The chosen method will dictate how the user receives their initial login credentials.

  1. Navigate to Admin Bar > Setup Users.
  2. Follow the steps to create a new user, as detailed in the Manage Users section.
  3.  Admin has 2 choices to deliver a password to the user.
    • Check the Generate Random Password property to email the user a new randomly generated password.
    • Uncheck the Generate Random Password property to set the password manually.

These settings can also be controlled using the Security Enhanced Directory Manager plugin.

Created by Julieth Last modified by Debanraj on Feb 07, 2025