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Automatically Advance to Next Assignment in List Inbox


Learn how to configure the Joget Inbox or List Inbox so that, after completing an assignment, the first assignment in the list automatically opens upon returning to the list view. This feature enhances workflow efficiency by minimizing the steps needed to navigate assignments.

How does it work?

This setup uses custom JavaScript scripts in the Inbox or List Inbox views. The scripts rely on cookies to remember the user's actions and trigger the automatic opening of the following assignment in the list after completing the current one. 

Add custom javaScript to list view

In the List View of your Inbox or List Inbox, insert the following script into the Custom Header section:

<script type="text/javascript">
$( function(){
if( $.cookie('showNextInList') == 'yes'){
document.location = $("table").find("a").attr("href");
$.cookie('showNextInList', null, {path: '/'});

This script checks if the cookie showNextInList is set to 'yes'; if so, it automatically navigates to the first assignment in the list.

Add custom JavaScript to assignment view

In the Assignment View, add the following script to the Custom Header section:

<script type="text/javascript">
$( function(){
$("input#assignmentComplete").click( function(){
    $.cookie('showNextInList', 'yes', {path: '/'});

This script sets the showNextInList cookie to 'yes' when the user completes an assignment, triggering the automatic advance when returning to the list.

Related documentation

Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024