Map Activities to Forms

Mapping activities to forms is important in configuring process flows within Joget Workflow, ensuring seamless interaction between users and the defined workflow processes.

When configuring activities within the Joget Process Builder, each activity can be associated with a form that dictates how participants interact with the workflow. This association plays a pivotal role in defining the user experience and guiding the flow of the process.

Key Features

The primary capabilities of mapping activities to forms within Joget Workflow are the following:

  • Mapping Activities to Forms: Activities inserted into the process flow can be mapped to corresponding forms. This mapping ensures that each activity is linked to a specific form that aligns with its purpose within the workflow.
  • Form Association: The form chosen for each activity is displayed to participants throughout the process flow. It should be relevant and tightly integrated to determine the logical progression of the workflow.
  • Next Assignment Workflow: Enabling this option allows users to seamlessly transition to the next assignment upon completing the current one, provided there's a subsequent assignment immediately available.

Mapping Options

The Mapping Options details the various ways activities can be associated with forms:

  • Map to a Form: Activities are typically mapped to forms created using Joget Form Builder. This integration ensures consistency and ease of management within the Joget ecosystem.
  • Map to External Form: Alternatively, activities can be linked to externally hosted forms by specifying the URL path. This flexibility accommodates scenarios where specialized forms or existing external resources are utilized.
  • Run Process Activity: This particular activity can also be mapped to a form. Users interact with this form before the process begins, ensuring that process instances are only initiated upon form submission. This feature optimizes process efficiency by reducing unnecessary instance creation.

Mapping activities to forms in Joget Workflow empowers users to tailor workflows precisely to their operational needs. Organizations can integrate forms seamlessly into process flows to enhance user engagement, streamline operations, and ensure efficient workflow management.

This section provides essential insights and tools for effectively configuring form mappings within Joget applications and optimizing usability and functionality across diverse business processes.

Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024