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The Messages feature manages customized locale messages, which is useful for using custom labels in forms to adhere to specific locales. After configuring your messages, see Hash Variable - App Message to append the i18n labels in your app.

 Manage messages at the application level only if the custom messages do not apply to other applications.

To access this feature's menu:

  1. Click App Messages in the left sidebar.

Key Features:

  • Import PO File: Import a .po file into the app.
  • Generate PO File: Generate a .po file for the selected locale in the app.
  • Add New Key: Add your custom message key and value to the app.

Add Messages and PO Files

Manage your app-specific translations by importing or generating .po files and adding new translation keys directly within the app or through the Form Builder.

  • Import PO File: Importing a .po file generated from Generate PO File allows you to load custom translations into your app quickly.
  • Generate PO File: Export a selected locale into a .po file.

There are two ways to export .po files:

    • Form Builder

    • App Messages

Example of a Generated PO File:

# This file was generated by Joget Workflow
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Project-Id-Version: hr_expense\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: en_US\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
msgid "hello"
msgstr "Hello"
msgid "welcome"
msgstr "Welcome"

Deleting The Messages

There are two options to delete the i18n messages in your Form Advance Tools:

  • Empty or delete the translation property field values and click the Save button. Joget deletes the message record from the "app_message" database table.
  • Use a database manager to delete the records - use this SELECT SQL query to display the records: SELECT * FROM app_message WHERE appId='crm' // Change the appId to your app's ID.

Add Translation

New app-specific translations can be added through the Add Translation screen.

You can access the translations with the App Translation Hash Variable (Internationalization).

Related documentation

The following resources provide additional information and tools for managing translations and internationalization within your Joget applications. These resources help ensure that your app can effectively support multiple languages and locales.

Created by Julieth Last modified by Debanraj on Feb 17, 2025