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Running Processes


The Running Processes section lists all active processes across all applications in the system. A process is considered running when selected to be carried out or executed. This section allows administrators to view and manage these processes in real-time. 

How does it work?

To view the running processes, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Running Processes section.
  2. Click on a specific process instance to view detailed information.

This view displays the state, statistical data, and the activity list of the selected process instance. Clicking on an item in the activity list reveals detailed information about that activity instance.

Running Process Instance

The Running Process Instance view lets administrators see a particular process instance's state, statistical data, and activity list. This view provides comprehensive details to monitor and manage the process effectively.

Actions Available:

Action Description
View Graph Displays the workflow diagram, highlighting current activities in yellow.
Abort Instance

Terminates the process instance while retaining the process data.

Remove Instance Permanently deletes the process instance along with its data.
Re-evaluate If participant mappings change before the process is completed, this action reassigns any pending assignments to the newly mapped participants

Clicking on any activity under Activity List will display the Running Activity Instance

Process State:

  • open.running: Initial state when a new process instance is created.
  • closed.completed: State when the process comes to a natural end.
  • closed.aborted: State if the process instance is aborted by the administrator or when a new process design is deployed over the same app version.

Running Activity Instance

The Running Activity Instance view provides detailed information about a particular activity within a running process. Administrators can inspect and set workflow variable values and perform various actions to manage the activity instance.

Actions Available:

Action Description
Re-evaluate Re-evaluate the participant mapping for the current activity instance.
Re-evaluate assignments for the user

Re-evaluate all assignments for a particular user.


Reassign user Reassign an assignee of this activity instance to another user.
Complete Complete the activity instance as the currently logged-in user.

Activity State:

  • open.not_running.not_started: Initial state when the activity instance is created.
  • closed.completed: State when the activity is completed.
  • closed.terminated: State if the activity has a deadline triggered.
  • closed.aborted: State if the process instance is aborted.

Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024