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User Notification Plugin


The User Notification plugin is a Plugin Default Property designed to automatically send email notifications to assignees for every new activity task. This plugin allows for greater customization of notification content at the application level. With a one-time setup process, the plugin will be called every time a new activity task is created, eliminating the need to create email tools in your process design.

User notification properties

User notifications in Joget allow administrators to configure and customize email notifications for users. This ensures that users are informed about their assignments and important updates efficiently.

Configure user notification

Configure user notification by filling in the following fields:

  • CC: Enter fully qualified email addresses. Multiple values can be accepted by separating them with semicolons.
    CC: allows you to send a copy of a message to someone who is interested but is not the primary recipient.
  • BCC: Enter fully qualified email addresses. Multiple values can be accepted by separating them with semicolons.
    BCC: allows you to send a copy of a message to someone who is interested but should not view the list of other recipients.
  • Subject: Generic email subject to be used across all newly created assignments.
  • Email Message: Generic email message to be used across all newly created assignments. Use the special hash variable to anchor the task hyperlink at a specified line in your email message. By default, the task hyperlink will appear at the bottom of the email message.
  • HTML Content?: Check the checkbox to enable HTML content in the email message, especially if you provide the Link Name as a hyperlink.

Notification link

Configure the notification link by filling in the following fields:

  • URL: Include a link that points to a Userview Inbox.
    Include a link that points to a Userview Inbox.

    In addition, you will need to include the extra parameter below in order for the assignment to show up.

  • Link Name: Link label to open the assignment. Click the HTML Content checkbox to enable HTML content in the email message if you provide the Link Name as a hyperlink.
  • Parameter Name: The Activity Instance ID will be passed to this parameter.
    If you are pointing to an Inbox element in the URL attribute above, set this to activityId.
  • Parameter Passover Method: Choose how to pass the parameter:
    • None
    • As the URL Request Parameter
    • Append to URL
      If you are pointing to an Inbox element in URL attribute above, then you should set this to As URL Request Parameter.

SMTP settings

Configure SMTP by filling in the following fields:

  • Base URL: Specify the server context path.
  • From: Sender email address to email the assignee and/or CC.
  • SMTP Host: Email Server SMTP Host.
  • SMTP Port: Email Server SMTP Port.
    Typically, port 465 is for the SSL security option, and 587 is for TLS.
  • Security: Select one:
    • None
    • TLS
    • SSL
  • SMTP Username: Email Server Account Username.
    On Google email accounts, use your full email address.
  • SMTP Password: Email Server Account Password.
    The password submitted will be encrypted for security reasons.

Digital signature

Configure Digital signature by filling in the following fields:

  • Key Store File Path (P12): File path of the .pfx (or .p12) file under the wflow folder in your Joget DX installation folder.
  • Key Store Passphrase: The .jks file's passphrase.
  • Issuer Alias: The digital certificate's or signature issuer's name (alias).

Error handling

Configure Error handling by filling in the following fields:

  • Number of Retries When Fail to Send Out Email: Number of retries to be made when the email fails to be sent.
  • Retry Interval (Seconds): Interval of time between each retry.

Web push settings

  • Disable Web Push Notifications: Click the checkbox to disable mobile web notifications.


If the form used for the workflow process contains an image or file attachment, configure these properties to include the attachments in the email.

  • Form: Select the form containing the file or image attachment.
  • Form Upload Fields: Select the field IDs containing the file or image attachments. You can add more than one attachment field.
  • Files: Configure here to attach specific files from the Joget server via system path or URL.

ICS attachment

Configure ICS attachment by filling in the following fields:

  • Attach ICS File: Check this option to prepare an event and attach it as an ICS file in the email. When this attribute is checked, populate the details for the calendar ICS file in the fields below:
    • Event Name: Event name.
    • Start Date Time: Event start date and time.
    • End Date Time: Event end date and time.
    • Date Format: Date format (such as yyyy-MM-dd HH). 
    • Timezone: Timezone of the event (such as, America/Los_Angeles).
    • All Day?: When checked, the event will be listed as an all-day event.
    • Event Description: Text description of the event.
    • Location: Location of the event.
    • Organizer Email: Event organizer's email.
    • Attendees: List of event attendees. Important: The organizer or sender email must not be the same as your destination/recipient email. If the sender and recipient emails are the same, you will not see the "Add to calendar" box in your email.


  • Activity Exclusion: Include an activity for which you do not wish to notify its assignee.

Download sample app

Download the demo app to User Notification Plugin:
Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024