Map Tools to Plugins

The Map Tools to Plugins feature in Joget DX 8 allows users to integrate various process tools seamlessly into their workflow applications. These tools execute specific actions or operations within the process flow, enhancing automation and functionality.

Process Tool Plugins in Joget DX 8 are designed to perform predefined tasks as part of a process sequence. These plugins can manipulate data, interact with external systems, or trigger notifications based on configured parameters and conditions.

List of process tool plugins

Joget DX 8 offers a comprehensive range of process tool plugins to cater to different operational needs. Each plugin is designed to perform specific tasks and can be configured to integrate seamlessly into workflow processes. Below are some key plugins available:

Configuring plugin properties

To configure and optimize the functionality of each Process Tool Plugin:

  • Access Plugin Properties: go to the respective plugin within the Joget DX 8 Process Builder's List View tab.
  • Set Common Properties: Define parameters, inputs, outputs, and integration settings to ensure seamless operation and compatibility with the workflow.

Also, note that you can insert Process Tools and execute it immediately upon submission of the form. Read how to use Post Form Submission Processing in Form Builder, see Form Settings.

Demonstration App Using the Process Map To Participants Enhanced Load Balanced Participant Plugin.

Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024