Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base
Joget DX 8 Knowledge Base
Joget Marketplace KB
Custom Mobile App Service
Governance Center
Joget DX 8 Knowledge Base
Getting Started
Install Guides
Joget DX On-Demand
Joget for Google Apps
Download Guide
Platform Overview
Apps and the App Center
Component Interaction in a Joget App
Administrator Bar
App Generator
Create an App
Design a New App
Design a Form
Design a List
Design a UI
Design a Process
Using the Process Builder
Add Process Components
Configure Components
Integrate a Process Into a UI
Product & Licensing
Set Up Your Joget DX Enterprise License
Preparing Joget License For Server Migration
App Protection
Set Up Your App License
Protected App Set Up
Licensing FAQ
Security and Compliance
Security Advisories
Product Info and Roadmap
Web Functionality
Product Roadmap
What's New in Joget DX 8
Known Issues
Joget DX8 Change Log
Version 8.1.8
Version 8.1.7
Version 8.1.6
Version 8.1.5
Version 8.1.4
Version 8.1.3
Version 8.1.2
Version 8.1.1
Version 8.1.0
Version 8.0.12
Version 8.0.11
Version 8.0.10
Version 8.0.9
Version 8.0.8
Version 8.0.7
Version 8.0.6
Version 8.0.5
Version 8.0.4
Version 8.0.3
Version 8.0.2
Version 8.0.1
Version 8.0.0
Joget Platform and Apps FAQ
How To Contribute
Deployment and Installation
System Requirements
Native Mobile App
Installing Joget DX 8
Set Up a Database
Configure a Custom Database
Using Windows Authentication for Microsoft SQL Server
Upgrading to Joget DX 8
Advanced Installation Guides
Installing Joget as a Windows Service
Adding MySQL service as a Dependency to Tomcat service
Installing MySQL as a Windows Service
Automated Deployment on Red Hat OpenShift with the Joget Operator
Installation on Other Java EE Application Servers
Installation using the OVA VM Image
Joget DX on Apache Tomcat and PostgreSQL on K8s
Joget Low Code Application Platform for G Suite
Joget on AWS Marketplace
Joget on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
Joget on Azure Marketplace
Joget on Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry for Application Deployment and Management
Joget on Docker
Joget on Google Cloud Marketplace
Joget on Google Cloud Platform
Joget on Google Kubernetes Engine
Joget on Kubernetes
Joget on OpenShift
Joget on Red Hat Marketplace
Kerberos Auto Redirection From External Navigation
Joget on Azure Kubernetes Service
Deployment Optimization
Performance Optimization Techniques in Joget
Security Best Practices
Troubleshooting Too Many Connections Error
Troubleshooting - Common Errors
Deployment Best Practices
Scaling and Availability
Server Clustering
Clustering with Apache Lounge on Windows
Clustering with Apache Lounge on Windows with SSL
Joget Clustering using Tomcat Session Replication
Implementation of Concurrent Session Control
NGINX as Proxy to Tomcat
Set Up SSL on Tomcat
Joget SSO with Azure Active Directory
Joget SSO with Keycloak
Joget SSO with OpenID Connect
Joget SSO to Active Directory with Kerberos
Joget SharePoint SSO Integration
Development Server Data Cleaning
Managing Log Files
Clean Up Unused Columns in Form Data Table
Backup and Recovery
Joget DX 8 Clustering and Performance Testing
How-To Guides
Platform Guides