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Horizontal Layout for Grid Elements

By default, all Grid-type elements in Joget are displayed vertically. You can use CSS to transform it into a horizontal layout by adding the styling into a Custom HTML form element in your form that contains a grid element. To do so, follow the steps Below:

  1. Open the Form with the Grid element you want to edit.
  2. Add a Custom HTML.
  3. Input the following script and change the IDs to match your Grid element.
    /* Change the div ID to match the grid element ID you are transforming for. */
    div#field1 table thead {
        float: left;
    div#field1 table tbody {
        display: flex;
    div#field1 table thead th {
        display: block;  
    div#field1 table tbody td {
        display: block;
        clear: none;
    div#field1 table tbody td .tablesaw-cell-label {
        display: none;
  4. Preview your form to confirm the changes.

As you can see in the last image, the table is in a horizontal layout instead of the default vertical layout.

Created by Marcos Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 13, 2024