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Integrate Google Analytics to Joget Apps


Integrating Google Analytics into your Joget applications allows you to track and analyze user interactions, providing valuable insights into user behavior and app performance. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up Google Analytics as a data stream in your Joget app, enabling you to monitor traffic, events, and other metrics seamlessly.

How does it work?

To integrate Google Analytics into your Joget app, you will first need to set up a Google Analytics account and create a property for your application. After that, you'll manually install the tracking code into your app’s UI using the UI Builder. Once installed, Google Analytics will start collecting data from your app, which you can view and analyze through the Google Analytics platform.

  1. Go to Google Analytics and create an account if you haven't done so already.
  2. Create a new property and fill out the required forms.
  3. Describe your business and provide information about it for better insights.

  4. Choose your business goals.

  5. Choose Web as your platform.

  6.  After choosing the platform, you will be presented with a setup instruction window. Choose the Install manually tab and copy the JavaScript code provided.
  7. Then, go to your Joget App > UI Builder > Configure Layout > Advanced.
  8. In the Sub Header field, paste the JavaScript code you copied and save the configuration.

  9. Return to the Google Analytics platform. Under Setup Instruction > Install Manually, click the Test button.

    If the integration is successful, you will see a green checkmark indicating that Google Analytics is properly installed.

    Note: While the Analytics script might be installed correctly, the data stream captured might take longer to reflect in the GA Reports. Captured traffic might not show immediately after performing the above installation.
Created by Julieth Last modified by Debanraj on Feb 07, 2025