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Cardano Generate Account Tool


This process tool plugin allows you to generate an account on the Cardano blockchain and store the account data into a form.

The Cardano blockchain will not recognize newly created accounts until they are funded. You can use the testnet faucet to fund test accounts: Cardano Testnet Faucet.

Get started


  • You have a Joget app where you will store the generated account data.
  • You have a Cardano Blockfrost Project Key (See to Cardano Blockfrost to create one).
  • You have installed the Cardano Default Backend Plugin, which is required for this tool to function correctly.

Where to get the plugin

You can download the Cardano Generate Account Tool from the JogetOSS GitHub repository.

How to install

  1. Click Download on this plugin screen (It will be a .jar file).
  2. Go to your Joget localhost or server. In the Joget Console, go to Admin Bar > Systems Settings > Manage Plugins and click the Upload Plugins button.
  3. Under Upload Plugin, select the plugin .jar file you downloaded and click Upload.
  4. Depending on the plugin type, you can now view your new plugin in your form, List, or UI Builder.
  5. Remember to uninstall the old plugin before uploading a new version.
  6. The Joget Knowledge Base has more information on managing and developing plugins.

Configure Cardano Generate Account Tool properties

To configure Cardano Generate Account Tool properties, go to Settings > Advanced into the Form Builderand in the field post-processing tool, select the Cardano Generate Account Tool.

Fields to configure:

  • Network Type: Select the type of Cardano network:
  • Backend Service: Configure the backend service. 
    • Blockfrost
    • Koios
  • Blockfrost Project Key: Use the Blockfrost Project Key to connect your app with the Cardano blockchain.

Store account data to form

Fields to configure:

  • Form: Select the Joget form where the account data will be stored. All fields from the selected form will be available for mapping.
Field mapping
  • Account Base Address: The base address of the Cardano account. This value will be stored as the record ID in the selected form.
  • Account Mnemonic Phrase: The secret key used to access the Cardano account. In case of data loss, this mnemonic phrase can be used with a qualified wallet to recover the account. This value is stored in the database in an encrypted form.
    Caution: Ensure that the Account Mnemonic Phrase is always kept secure. Anyone with access to this phrase has complete control over the account and can cause irreparable damage.
  • Account Owner Field: The form field where the account owner’s name will be stored.
  • Account Owner Value: Store the account owner's value in the field specified in the Account Owner Field. You can use a Joget hash variable, typically pointing to a Joget username.
  • Is Test Account Flag: Indicates whether the account is a test or real account.
  • Account Enterprise Address: The enterprise address associated with the Cardano account. To learn more about different types of accounts, visit the Cardano Documentation.

Store data to workflow variable

  • Is Test Account Flag: a workflow variable to indicate whether the account is a test or production account.

Download sample app 

Download the plugin:
Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Jan 28, 2025