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Cardano Token Load Binder


The Cardano Token Load Binder plugin allows you to load token data directly from the Cardano blockchain into a form. You can use this plugin at the form and form section levels to retrieve specific token data and map it to form fields for display or processing further.

Get started


Before using the plugin, ensure that:

  • You have a Cardano blockchain account.
  • A Blockfrost project key is available.
  • The form where the data will be mapped is ready.

Where to get the plugin

You can download the Cardano Send Transaction Tool from the JogetOSS GitHub repository.

How to install

  1. Click Download on this plugin screen (It will be a .jar file).
  2. Go to your Joget localhost or server. In the Joget Console, go to Admin Bar > Systems Settings > Manage Plugins and click the Upload Plugins button.
  3. Under Upload Plugin, select the plugin .jar file you downloaded and click Upload.
  4. Depending on the plugin type, you can now view your new plugin in your form, List, or UI Builder.
  5. Remember to uninstall the old plugin before uploading a new version.

Configure cardano token load binder properties

Fields to configure:

  • Network Type: Select the type of Cardano network:
  • Backend Service: Configure the backend service. 
    • Blockfrost
    • Koios
  • Blockfrost Project Key: Use the Blockfrost Project Key to connect your app with the Cardano blockchain.
  • Asset ID: The unique identifier of a token to be retrieved. Asset data retrieved are based on the Asset ID. 
    Typically, a Hash Variable is used here.

Map values to form fields

You can map the retrieved token data to specific fields in your form for display or use in workflows. Below are the fields you can configure:

  • Asset Name (Hex-encoded): The asset name associated with the current asset.
    Select available fields in the current form to load the asset name.
  • Policy ID: The policy ID associated with the current asset.
    Select available fields in the current form to load the policy ID.
  • Asset Fingerprint (CIP-14): The asset fingerprint created using Cardano CIP-14.
    Select available fields in the current form to load the asset fingerprint.
  • Current Asset Quantity: The quantity of current assets generated through minting NFT or native tokens.
    Select available fields in the current form to load the quantity of the current asset.
  • Initial Mint Transaction Hash: The first transaction made using the current asset.
    Select available fields in the current form to load the initial mint transaction hash.
  • Mint or Burn Count: The count of asset minting and burn process of the current asset.
    Select available fields in the current form to load the mint or burn count.
  • Minting Metadata: The minting metadata is loaded directly from the blockchain.
    Select available fields in the current form to load the minting metadata.

Download plugin

Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Nov 19, 2024