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The SLA API lists all data present in the SLA database tables (app_report_*). This API should be used in conjunction with the Process Data Collector plugin via Plugin Default Properties. You must configure SLA for the app process(es) or activity(s) for the API to return meaningful information.

Plugin information

  • Plugin Name: Process Data Collector
  • API Name: SLA API
  • Purpose: To retrieve and manage SLA data from the database tables.

Get started

How to use it

  1. Drag and drop the SLA API from the Palette to the Canvas.
  2. Select the endpoints

List of API Endpoints

List SLA report

List all data present in the SLA Report database tables.

Able to filter or sort the returned results via parameters.

URL: /sla

HTTP Method: GET

Path Parameter
Parameter Description
appId Filter the response by app via app ID.
appVersion Filter the response by the app version of the specified app ID. Must be used in conjunction with appId parameter. 
processDefId Filter the response by process via process definition ID.
sort SLA data column to sort. Must be used in conjunction with sortDescending parameter.
sortDescending Sort the specified sort parameter value in ascending or descending order. Expect a boolean value. Must be used in conjunction with sort parameter.
startOffset Starting position of records to start query. Expects an integer.
pageSize Number of results to return. Expects an integer.
Sample Response
    "minDelay": 0,
    "maxDelay": 0,
    "ratioWithDelay": 0,
    "serviceLevelMonitor": "<span class=\"dot_green\"> </span>",
    "ratioOnTime": 100,
    "activityName": "Claimant Edit",
    "activityDefId": "new_claim"
Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Dec 03, 2024