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Universal Datalist Inbox Audit Trail


The Universal Datalist Inbox Audit Trail plugin allows you to display assignment records from multiple applications that have the plugin attached. This plugin helps track assignment creation and updates by storing common form data in a shared table, which can be used in a Datalist Inbox.

Plugin information

  • Plugin Name: Universal Datalist Inbox Audit Trail
  • Compatibility: Joget DX 8 and onwards.

Get started

Where to get the plugin

How to install

  1. Download the plugin JAR file from the releases page.
  2. Go to Settings > Manage Plugins > Upload Plugin.
  3. Once uploaded, the plugin will be available in your Joget environment.

Importing the Demo App

  • Download the demo app from Download Demo App.
  • Go to Joget Home > All Apps and click Import App to import the demo app.

How to use it

  1. Attach the plugin to Plugin Default Properties. No configuration properties are required for this plugin. When you attach it, it will create a common table, assignment_formdata, to store the assignment values for the apps that have it attached.
  2. Create a datalist to show the values from the common table created. Use SELECT * FROM assignment_formdata as the query.
  3. You can see the form data in JSON format. Optional: use the JSON To Table Formatter Plugin to map the desired fields into table form.
  4. In the UI Builder, drag the List Inbox and choose the List created in previous step.
  5. Create some simple process using the process builder, and place it into the UI.
  6. If you face this problem, try to uninstall the plugin and attach it again at the Plugin Default Properties in step 1. It will trigger the dao to create the common table again. Make sure you did not make any typo errors for the table name assignment_formdata.
  7. Click on Run Process 1. Fill in anything and Submit.
  8. You will see that there is a record in the List Inbox.
  9. Now, try to run process 2.
  10. You can see that both processes are together in one datalist with their form data respectively.
  11. Create another simple process in another app with the Universal Datalist Inbox Audit Trail attached in Plugin Default Properties. Run the process.
  12. In the UI, make sure Assignments to Display is Assignments for All Apps so you can see all apps' processes.
  13. Now, you can see the other app processes inside this common table. The Form Data is empty here because I have not mapped them in the JSON To Table Formatter Plugin.
  14. After mapping the fields (e.g., id) Using the JSON To Table Formatter Plugin, the form data for each process will be displayed properly.

Download plugin

Download demo app

Download the demo app for Universal Datalist Inbox Audit Trail:
Created by Julieth Last modified by Aadrian on Feb 17, 2025