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Format Number Hash Plugin


The Format Number Hash Plugin is a hash variable plugin for Joget applications. It provides flexibility in formatting numbers, with options for decimal places and thousand separators.

Plugin information

  • Plugin Name: Format Number Hash Variable
  • Compatibility: Joget DX 8 and onwards

Get started

Where to get the plugin

You can download the Format Number Hash Variable Plugin from the Joget Marketplace.

How to Install

  1. Download the plugin from the Joget Marketplace.
  2. Log in as an admin and navigate to Settings > Manage Plugins.
  3. Click Upload Plugin, select the plugin file, and install it.

How to use it

  1. Create a form to submit a number. This will be used as the hash variable's form.table.field.
  2. Create another form to display the formatted number using the hash variables. 
  3. Create a list and crud using the Generate App button. Go to the UI. Now, let's see the values of the hash variables. You can see that the values are converted accurately.

Available formats

  • #formatNumber.34567# → Returns: 34567
  • #formatNumber.{form.table.field}# → Returns the value of form.table.field
  • #formatNumber.12345[decimal=2]# → Returns: 12345.00
  • #formatNumber.12345[decimal=2&thousandSeparator=,]# → Returns: 12,345.00
  • #formatNumber.{form.table.field}[decimal=2]# → Returns the value with 2 decimal places.
  • #formatNumber.{form.table.field}[decimal=2&thousandSeparator=,]# → Returns the value with 2 decimal places and thousand separators.

Expected outcome

Once the Format Number Hash Plugin is set up, you can format numbers in your Joget applications according to your specifications, including decimal points and thousand separators.

Download plugin

You can download the Format Number Hash Variable Plugin from the Joget Marketplace.

Created by Julieth Last modified by Debanraj on Feb 12, 2025