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Setting Up Governance Centre App

This guide will outline the initial setup for plugin configurations required for the Governance Centre App.

Getting started

This guide will outline the initial setup for plugin configurations required for the Governance Centre App.


You will need:

  • 1 instance of Joget with the Governance Center installed
  • At least 1 or more instances of Joget that are reachable from the Governance Center (whether publicly or within the same network of the Governance Center)
  • Admin access to all the instances

Upon importing the Governance Center, you will need the following plugins for the Governance Center to work:

Upon launching the Governance Center, you will need the following setups to proceed:

Setting up plugin configuration

  1. Go to the Governance Centre App. Add a new plugin configuration using Administration > Plugin Config
  2. You will see this form to fill out when you click the New button.
  3. Click Submit when you are done with the configuration.
  4. Look at Plugin Config for more information.

Generate api key

  1. Next, you will need to generate an API Key to be used by the plugin configuration. You can do so by going to Administration > API Keys > New
  2. Follow the Manage API Key Menu to create a new API Key.
  3. Look at API Keys for more information.

Manage plugin permission

  1. After creating the plugin configuration and API Key, you must configure plugin permission (Administration > Plugin Permission > New).
  2. Click on Save to save the plugin permission, and you will be done with the configuration.
  3. Look at Plugin Permission for more information.

Setup governed plugins in Joget instance

  1. Go to the Joget instance that wants to use the governed plugin service.
  2. In this example, we are choosing the Meeting Room Booking App, and the plugin type is Form Options Data Store.
  3. You will test this Plugin Config on Meeting Room Booking App > Form > Select Box.
  4. In the select box, choose Governed Form Options Data Store on Load Data From and fill in the domain URL and API Key (information is available on plugin permission).
  5. Then, choose the plugin config and save.

 Test the governed plugins

  1. After saving the form, go to live view to view it.
  2. Now, we can see that the select box options are loading the plugin configuration that we set up on the Governance Center App.
Created by Marcos Last modified by Julieth on Oct 25, 2024