Home Reference Administration Manage App Manage App The Manage App menu is used to manage and edit, add, or delete an application. Compared to the Monitor App administrator feature, which is used for just monitoring, the Manage App menu can also edit an application. This menu bypasses the requirement for approval for newly registered apps. Editing new app Click on the Edit button to edit the application information. You will see the following: Where: App ID: Auto-generated field. Installation: Choose Installation from the list of installations (Installations). Installation Approver: Automatically filled with the choices added as installation approvers when creating a new installation (Installations). Environment: Automatically filled based on the option chosen in the installation. App Name: Shows a list of applications available in the selected installation. App Criticality: Very High High Medium Low Very Low App Availability: Low Medium High App Purpose: Description for the purpose of the application. Contact Type: Owner Business Contact Technical Contact App Owner: Shows a list of developers or users with the role of APP_OWNER. Assign To: Individuals: Displays a list of developers with the role of APP_DEVELOPER when assigned to an individual. Group: Displays a list of groups created in the platform when assigned to a group. Set Pipeline?: Enable this option to deploy the app by following the pipeline in order of the selected installations. Created by Marcos Last modified by Julieth on Oct 25, 2024