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Firebase Prerequisites

Firebase (Required for Push Notifications)

  1. Firebase project number
  2. Android Google Services JSON file: android-google-services.json
  3. iOS Google Service Plist file: ios-GoogleService-info.plist 

Please take note that both android-google-services.json file for Android and ios-GoogleService-info.plist file for iOS is needed for Firebase Push Notifications Configuration for Android or iOS Applications.

Prerequisite: Setup Firebase Push Notifications

Create Firebase Project

  1. Access the Firebase Console and create a new project, as shown in the images below.

  2. In the Project Overview > Project Settings, take note of the Project Number as shown in the image below.

Create Firebase Android App

  1. From the Project Overview Page, click on +Add App and select the Android icon.
  2. Add an Android app to the Firebase project using the Android Package Name and click Register app, as shown in the image below.
    You need to use the same Android Package Name that you used in Android Prerequisites.
  3. Download google-services.json and save it as android-google-services.json as shown in the image below.

Create Firebase iOS App

  1. From the Project Overview Page, click on +Add App and select the iOS icon.
  2. Add an iOS app to the Firebase project using the Apple bundle ID and click Register app, as shown in the image below.
    You need to use the same Apple bundle ID that you used in iOS Prerequisites.
  3. Download GoogleService-info.plist and save it as ios-GoogleService-info.plist as shown in the image below.
  4. Go to Project Overview > Project Settings >  Cloud Messagingupload the APNs authentication key as shown in the images below.


At the end of this page, please ensure that you have obtained:

  1. Firebase Project Number
  2. iOS Google Service Plist file
  3. Android Google Services JSON file

Please go to Custom Mobile Apps Prerequisites to check for other configurations and prerequisites.

Created by Damian Last modified by Aadrian on Nov 19, 2024